Ruth Anne's Blog

Personal blog and Travel Diary

Apr 12, 2012

Churches in Stockholm

This is a picture of myself on yoga workshop day. I arrived early so I had to wait a bit in the snow and cold. Not all that fun.

There are lo
ts of lovely churches here in Stockholm, they attract attention with their tall unique clock towers. Oh and a synagogue too! Here are some that I enjoy looking at...

Apr 8, 2012


Ostermalm is where I spend most of my free time. Here is where my yoga studio is located and every morning I wake up bright and early in order to make the morning class before heading to work. This area truly inspires, from the beautiful yellow church with the clock tower, to the century old architecture, it is hard not to want to be here. In the Spring it is even more beautiful. Flowers are sold in the square and the store windows have so many lovely things to buy that you never thought you needed. Its hard to hold onto the wallet, although necessary.

Happy Easter signs are in the window. Happy Easter! Happy Spring! On Easter, easter eggs made of paper are filled with candy. There is also the tradition of taking blooming branches and putting brightly colored feathers on the tips. Very creative and festive!

Apr 6, 2012

Glimpse of Spring

Last weekend there was a nice yoga workshop that I went to and there was this wonderful dog at the studio! I think he is one of the sweetest dog I have ever met.

The workshop was held in Kungsholmen, just west of the downtown area, and is where the city hall is located. It is a wonderful place. Occasionally the sky is overcast and it rains. On this particular weekend it was really cold. The trees are just starting to grow their leaves and buds are forming and are ready to bloom.